“Open space is extremely valuable to our family – it helps us bond and gets us out of the house, and we have so many memories already between my son, daughter and wife.”
Walker River State Recreation Area
In July 2017, 12,100 acres and 29.7 miles of the East Walker River will be reconveyed to the State of Nevada for the newly-established Walker River State Recreation Area (WRSRA) – Nevada’s first such designation in more than two decades. The new recreation area will be made up of three historic ranches: Pitchfork Ranch, Rafter 7 Ranch, and the Flying M Ranch, which were all acquired from willing sellers through the Walker Basin Restoration Program (WBRP). Creating the WRSA will allow recreation such as camping, fishing, hunting, and hiking to be available for the first time to the general public on these three ranches.
Surface water rights associated with the former ranch properties will be retained by the WBRP for ultimate instream transfer to Walker Lake. In the interim they will be managed by the Walker Basin Conservancy (WBC) to supporting land stewardship commitments prior to conversion to instream use to improve flows in the Walker River to its terminus at Walker Lake.
WBC will continue to work closely with state agencies for the foreseeable future on land stewardship activities and sage grouse and LCT possibilities along the East Walker River.
Questions? Visit the FAQ here or call the WRSRA office at 775-463-1609.
Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area
In 2013, The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation donated nearly 1,600 acres of upland and riparian land, including more than three miles of the Walker River, to the State of Nevada. This land is now part of the Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area and provides upland wildlife habitat in perpetuity, as well as public access for hunting, fishing and general recreation.
Wilson Canyon
The Wilson Canyon Nature Hiking Trail is located off of HWY 208 heading east toward Smith, NV. This area of the West Walker River is a popular fishing and swimming spot, with a hike